Anxiety and Panic
More people are affected with Anxiety and Panic than any other psychological challenge. This is not altogether surprising, given that anxiety is part of our body's natural response to threat. Threats that we respond to can be physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological in nature, and this can result in feeling uneasy, tense, afraid, watchful, and unsafe. Sometimes, these feelings escalate to panic attacks, which are sudden episodes of very uncomfortable body sensations accompanied by emotional distress.
When working with Anxiety and Panic, firstly I help clients to acknowledge the wisdom of their feelings. Knowing the source of anxiety and the trigger for the panic attack can be instrumental in unweaving the impact it has on you. If you are no longer in immediate danger, anxiety can be managed and even extinguished. Much of this process involves me teaching clients new methods of coping. I help you to harness your strengths so that you can expertly address the uncomfortable emotions you are experiencing. I look forward to helping you regain control over those aspects of your life.
When working with Anxiety and Panic, firstly I help clients to acknowledge the wisdom of their feelings. Knowing the source of anxiety and the trigger for the panic attack can be instrumental in unweaving the impact it has on you. If you are no longer in immediate danger, anxiety can be managed and even extinguished. Much of this process involves me teaching clients new methods of coping. I help you to harness your strengths so that you can expertly address the uncomfortable emotions you are experiencing. I look forward to helping you regain control over those aspects of your life.