Increasingly the public is learning how mental health consumers are in need of better understanding and support, and efficient services. Also in dire need of such things are the support-people. The parents, partners, children, friends, and colleagues. Major health-outcome research outlines how important having social support is for surviving and thriving. Yet we do not need research to know this truth. We have all known the difference between having- and not having- support. If you're supporting someone you love who's having a hard time with mental health, your health can be impacted. Feelings of being overwhelmed, confused, numb, exhausted, resentful, and so on can pile up. You may notice new physical health complaints. Finding your own resources can help, as can making decisions about what you can sustainably do for your loved one. If you are in this place of offering support and concerned about the impact it's having on you, reach out to someone. If counselling is the outlet you need, contact me for more information.
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June 2017